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Vacation Bible School Dates Vacation Bible School Dates

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Vacation Bible School Dates

Posted by: William Gouse on Wed, Jun 1, 2011



Vacation Bible School will be held - July 18 - 22, 2011

Starting Time: 6:15 p.m. - Treasure Hunt

Theme: Gold Rush - Discovering the Rock of Ages

NO Charge - All Welcome


Our children are faced with a multiplicity of gods on a daily basis. In school, from the media, in books, they're taught that all roads lead to heaven; believe what you want and it will be true for you. These dangerous lies are drawing our kids away from the truth—that Jesus, the Rock of Ages, is the way, the truth, and the life! With Gold Rush, kids will learn the answer to that most important question Jesus asks: "Who do you say that I am?" They'll be saturated with the truth as they discover the biblical responses to questions such as:

  • Is Jesus the only way to heaven?
  • Who did Jesus say He is?
  • What was unique about Jesus's birth, life, death, and Resurrection?
  • How can I be saved?
  • How can I share the good news of Jesus's life-changing power?

On Day 1, children will be challenged to meet Jesus in a fresh and new way as they learn about the bold claims Jesus made about Himself, including that He is God, He is the only way to heaven, and He can forgive sins. While briefly examining thoughts from famous thinkers and religious founders, children will realize Jesus is unique and superior to all others.

Day 2—Children will learn that Jesus's birth was like no other, from the fulfilled prophecies to the spectacular events. The events surrounding His birth provide further confirmation that He is God. When realizing the wonder of His birth, our response should be to treasure Jesus and treat Him as the King of our lives.

Day 3—The miracles of Jesus are a wonder to behold! Children will learn that no one has ever taught like Jesus or had the power of Jesus. When confronted with His radical teachings and the power He demonstrated as He performed miracles, our response should be to follow Him and let Him be our guide!

Day 4—Children will learn that Jesus's death and resurrection separate Him from all false religions and teachers. False religions have dead leaders and advocate working your way to heaven. Jesus's unique death and resurrection, on the other hand, is the crowning event in all of history, providing us with the opportunity to receive the gift of eternal life apart from works. The children will hear that He did this for them, and He wants them to believe in Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior.

Day 5—Children will learn that, just as God changed the disciples' lives, George Mueller's life, Gladys Aylward's life, and the lives of many others, He wants to change their lives, too. Then He wants them to share the good news of their changed lives with others.

Filled with the rich content you've come to love with previous Answers VBS programs, Gold Rush provides the fun and excitement your kids will love! From games to snacks to crafts to Bible time, all parts of this VBS work together to teach your children about the one and only Rock of Ages! Gather your gear and join us for unforgettable discoveries!

   Discussion: Vacation Bible School Dates
connie springfield · 14 years, 2 months ago

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